(1) Tried Pop Chips for the first time. I know bloggers out there are cringing but as often as I see them in Whole Foods, I hadn’t made the leap yet. Verdict? I like them! But I don’t like chips all that much so I’m really not a good judge
(2) Ate more delicious pasta salad for lunch. I seriously can’t get enough of this stuff. Everytime I open the fridge I want to sneak a bite! (I spy a finger in the corner, whoops!)
(3) Purchased my first textbook for this semester. It’s called Fundamentals of Clinical Trials, you should all be jealous
(4) Stopped at Whole Foods for some much needed Amazing Grass. I only buy this stuff when I feel a cold coming on ($$!) but it always seems to do the trick!
Sonic thought that I stopped at Whole Foods for a toy for him. Seriously, the cat has so many toys but he loves to play with bags. What gives?
(5) Made an Amazing (grass) smoothie using a banana (half frozen), almond milk, plain yogurt, and an amazing grass chocolate packet.
Topped with a sprinkle of granola, it was a great afternoon snack!
(6) Watched 3 episodes of Felicity, it’s not like I have things to be doing
(7) Created a new “recipe” as per one of my New Year’s resolutions.
There will be more details in another post but hints include mushrooms, tomato sauce, and cheese. Any guesses?
And now I’m off to make Ian some dinner (late day at the office) and then get my Jersey Shore on!
What did you do today?